Fylde Coast Advice and Legal Centre
Member of Advice UK

Contact us

Call us on 01253 579420

For Emergency out of hours Homelessness/unlawful evictions.
Call us on 07480 795726

This is subject to availability of staff.

Email: enquiries@fcalc.org.uk

Housing advice

The Centre cannot undertake any of this work due to no paid staff.


Fylde Coast Advice and Legal Centre,Unit 8,Blackpool Technology Centre, Faraday Way, Blackpool FY2 0JW Please call us on  01253 423204 and leave a messsage,

Areas we cover:

About us:

We support the envionment: Clean air, water and a livable climate are inalienable human rights.

We are contracted by the Legal Aid Agency in the categories of housing and debt.


Fylde Coast Advice and Legal Centre,
Unit 8. Blackpool Technology Centre, Faraday Way, Blackpool FY2 0JW

Charitable Commission registration number 1172655 Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN778824

VAT number: 312196037

Funded by a number of charitable trusts and contracted by ther legal aid agency to undertake specialist level legal casework.

Members of AdviceUK, Legal Aid Practitioners Group, Housing Law Practitoners Association, and holders of the Specialist Quailty Mark